Aloe Vera Oil
experiment II
Aloe Vera Oil after completed process |
Completing the maceration process
After 6 weeks of cold maceration at 40°F the aloe Vera oil is ready to filter. The same method of filtration that was used in experiment I will be used in experiment II. A coffee filter was used to separate the oil from plant material.During the maceration process I found that I needed to refill the top few centimetres of the bottle with alcohol because it would evaporate over the course of a week. A tighter cork may prevent this evaporation.
Care Instructions for macerated Aloe Vera oil
The macerated oil should not be allowed to reach above room temperature. It does not have to remain chilled, however, because the potent medicinal properties within the gel aloe fillets have been preserved within the sunflower base oil (vitamin E). Avoid heat, as this will break down the potent medicinal compounds and degrade the quality of the oil.
The oil will remain chilled for now. Frequent temperature change will be avoided, likely extending quality and longevity of the oil since compounds will not experience temperature stress. In a building with typical A/C and heat, macerated Aloe oil can be stored at room temperature in a cool place out of direct sunlight, such as a kitchen cabinet.
Trials for hair, body, and face will be coming soon!
Aloe Oil Project so far:
Experiment I Experiment II
Stage III Stage III
Trial Stage IV (this page)
The Green Project 2013