The Green Project 2013
The Green Project is the beginning of an experimental entrepreneurship that will follow me throughout college as I apply what I already know to what I will learn as a student of Texas Tech University. In Spring of 2014 I will officially begin my freshman year of college as a distance student. I chose to complete my Bachelor of Science in Horticulture online as a distance student for one specific reason: the ability to earn college credit while experiencing first hand the different flora nonnative to the United States mainland. I will be documenting these rare opportunities as well as the progression of my Aloe Vera Nursery. As a student of TTU I will always have to return to Texas periodically throughout the year to take exams, complete labs, and participate in hands on work in the garden (such as pruning technique); but I will still have enough freedom to travel over long periods of time. Through this project I hope to increase my chances for scholarships and gain hands on experience relative to an internship; with some luck and TLC I may even profit from my nursery by learning how to make homemade organic products, a great resource to fuel my college fund and further help me reach my goal of obtaining my Master's Degree.

The Green Project 2013
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